Sunday, January 23, 2011

How to Rip DVD Movies into AVI or MP4 format

Many of us download movies from torrents that are usually encoded. But we never bother how did the uploader ripped this DVD into such an amazing size with great quality of video and audio. Follow the following steps to rip a DVD.
STEP 1: First of all you need a software for video encoding. So download Handbrake.
STEP 2: Insert a DVD of your choice.
STEP 3: Run Handbrake. Select Detected volume, as shown in image 1. Then click on Open.

Image 1. Select a video source
STEP 4: Handbrake will detect all the titles on the DVD. If you’re ripping a movie, just select the longest title in the list. If you’re ripping a TV show or something with multiple episodes on one disc, then select the episode you want, as shown in image 2
Image 2. Select a title.

STEP 5: In the Destination section, set File Format to MP4, AVI or OGM file, as shown in image 3.
Image 3. Select a desired file format

STEP 6: Set Codecs to MPEG-4 Video / AAC Audio, as shown in image 4. But I have first-hand reports that the MPEG-4 Video codec works correctly and is much faster than other.
Image 4. Select a proper codec

STEP 7: For File, enter the full pathname or browse till wherever you want to save your movie, as shown in image 5.
Image 5. Set the output filename

STEP 8: In the Quality section, set Average bitrate to 400. This can be as high as 768, but you probably won’t see much difference. Higher bitrate = higher quality video = larger file size.
Image 6. Set the average bitrate

STEP 9: Under Quality, select 2-pass encoding, as shown in image 7. This takes twice as long to encode, but it improves the video quality and doesn’t make the file any larger.

Image 7. Enable 2-pass encoding

STEP 10: In the Audio section, for Language 1, select the audio track in your preferred language, as shown in image 8. In the choice given between MPEG and LPCM, choose MPEG.

Image 8. Select a primary language

STEP 11:The Sample rate is entirely up to you. Higher sample rate = higher quality audio = larger file size.

Image 9. Select audio sample rate

STEP 12: For Bitrate, you can keep the default of 128, or select a rate up to 160. Higher rate = higher audio quality = larger file size.
Image 10. Select audio bitrate

STEP 13: Click Picture Settings. In the Picture Settings dialog, decrease Width until either it reads 320. Handbrake will auto-adjust the height to match. For a full-screen movie, the height will end up at 240; for wide-screen movies, it will be lower.
Image 11. Resize video screen


STEP 14: Close the Picture Settings dialog and click Rip. Encoding time depends on the speed of your PC, the length of the movie, and whether you selected 2-pass encoding. Handbrake will display a progress bar, as shown in image 12.

Image 12. Encoding process begins

STEP 15: When encoding is finished, quit Handbrake and find the encoded movie in your output folder you specified.
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