Friday, November 30, 2012

How to install Reaver on Ubuntu

Many of the uses of  Ubuntu is that  you can crack wireless networks. I recently moved to Ubuntu and found that Reaver was NOT in the repository. So here's a simple How To install Reaver guide on Ubuntu.

Run the following commands(in "Bold") in the terminal.
Step 1: "sudo -s"

Type your password.
Installing Dependencies and required tools.

Step 2: "sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libpcap0.8-dev"

Now we have the Dependencies and required tools. We can download the Reaver Source and Install it.

Step 3: "wget"

Extracting the tar package.

Step 4: "tar -xzvf reaver-1.4.tar.gz"

Compiling and making install.

Step 5: "cd reaver-1.4"

Step 6: "cd src"

Step 7: "./configure"

Step 8: "make"

Step 9: "sudo make install"

Reaver is now installed and ready to use. But before you get hacking WPA networks, you'll need to install Aircrack-ng. Install it from my previous post How to install aircrack-ng on ubuntu.